Fall Equinox, Beginning & Grad. Classes in Oct.

Fall Equinox, Beginning & Grad. Classes in Oct.

Tahara Ezrahti, Clairvoyant and Intuitive Development Teacher, Applied Intuition: www.appliedintuition.org,  email: appliedintuition@cox.net,  (805) 364-0195

As we cross through the fall equinox, September 22, 2020, at 6:31 AM, PDT, we are all tired and ready for a change. It’s been over six months of dealing with uncertainty, fear, separation, relationships, health, politics, disruptions, confusion, cancelled plans, loneliness, sadness and fill in the blank ______. 

We may be in shock that fall is here. The expansive growth of spring and the long days of summer travel and celebration were to say the least, clipped short this year.

Fall is normally a time of settling in and winding down, preparing for the quiet of winter but this year is different. We have already been quiet for six months, without a chance to get our ya, yas out. As the days shorten and the weather cools, do you feel out of sync with the Earth? Feeling a need to: Explore, learn, grow, connect, and expand? If so, you are not alone! So now what?

During these times, when normalcy is missing, you can give yourself the gift of grounding, developing your internal compass, expanding your body, mind and spirit and connecting to others in a meaningful way. Applied Intuition classes are here to be of service and provide you with such tools. Classes teach you to heal yourself and others through experiential learning in a fun, supportive environment. All classes are small to insure individual attention and can be taken in-person or over Zoom.

There are three levels of classes. The nine week, beginning Introduction to Clairvoyant Healing Class, teaches foundational skills to develop your clairvoyance, intuition and healing skills in a safe and grounded way. The fall session starts Tuesday, October 13 to December 8, 2020 from 6-8:15 PM. Come to the first class for free to see if it is a good fit. Register here on line . After taking the Intro. class, you are eligible for the 10 month Clairvoyant Certification Training starting in January, 2021 – October 2021.

For those who have completed the Clairvoyant Certification Training there is a new Fall Graduate Class, Thursdays, Oct. 8 – Dec. 17, 2020 from 6-8:15 PM. This experienced group of healers will delve deep into personal healing and issues of truth, sovereignty, integrity, Earth healing, purpose, mission, and discovering your solar and lunar families.

There is also a new Introduction to Clairvoyant Healing Home Study Course, for those who prefer self-paced learning through video instruction. This course consists of 15 videos and a study guide and covers the same material as the live course minus, partner practice.

In these strange times we need each other and community more than ever. We are still here. The Earth is still spinning. The sun still shines. We have ourselves, the Earth, each other, and a loving Universe to support us. Wherever you are in your intuitive development journey, I hope you can join us this fall. Scroll below to learn more. 

Happy Fall Equinox,

Tahara Ezrahti, Clairvoyant and Intuitive Development Teacher                                                  www.appliedintuition.org,  for more information about classes or to book a reading contact: appliedintuition@cox.net,  (805) 364-0195. Register for classes here on line to reserve your space.


Introduction to Clairvoyant Healing starts Tuesdays Oct. 13 – Dec. 8, 2020, 6-8:15 PM

Are you sensitive to the energy of others & your environment? – Do you want to develop your clairvoyant skills to heal yourself and others? – Do you walk into a room and immediately sense what is going on? – Are you a healing professional wanting to augment your current skills?

Do you get tired or overwhelmed in crowds? – Would you benefit from knowing how to regulate your energy? – Are you a lightworker, here to help the planet evolve?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, Applied Intuition’s Introduction to Clairvoyant Healing Class will change your life by teaching you how to heal yourself and others in a safe and grounded way with a community of like minded individuals.



Classes are taught through a blend of guided meditations, partner practice, discussion and daily awareness exercises. You will learn to:

  •  Ground to the Earth 
  • Connect to Your Creativity and Life Force
  • Read Energy Clairvoyantly
  • Clear Energy Blocks 
  • Use Color to Heal
  • Clear, Balance, and Heal Chakras
  • Strengthen Personal Energy Boundaries
  • Access Kundalini Energy
  • Integrate Your Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Bodies
  • Tap into Universal Oneness Energy
  • Ground your Spirit’s Essential Essence Energy
  • Balance Male/Female Creative Energy
  • Resolve Karmic Issues and Past Lives
  • Heal at a Cellular Level

The Course includes:  MP3 recording of 10 Home Practice Meditations (go to www.appliedintuition.org to listen free a Grounding Meditation from class), MP3 recordings from each class, a training manual, and an hour reading with a Clairvoyant Training Graduate. Tuition for Introduction to Clairvoyant Healing is $480. Classes are 1/2 off for students repeating. Class is held in-person in Goleta, CA or through Zoom video conferencing.

Attend the first class for free to see if it is a good fit. Register Here on line to reserve your space and get directions. Classes are small to insure individual attention and space is limited. Email: appliedintuition@cox.net or call (805) 364-0195.

New!!! Introduction to Clairvoyant Healing Home Study Course

Develop your clairvoyant healing skills from the comfort of your own home at your own pace! The new Introduction to Clairvoyant Healing Home Study Course is perfect for people who are primarily focused on self healing and don’t want to commit to a weekly class. The course consists of 15 instructional videos and a study guide that mirrors the live class (except for partner practice and learning to conduct clairvoyant readings for others). Tutorial sessions can be paired with this course for more personalized instruction. Learn more.



Graduate Class starts Thursdays, October 8 to December 17, 2020 from 6-8:15 PM

This new 10 week Graduate Class is for anyone who has completed the Clairvoyant Certification Training and wants to continue their clairvoyant training and personal growth. Some of the topics covered include:

Developing personal sovereignty

Discerning truth and acting with integrity

Pursuing your purpose, mission and goals

 Taking inspired action

Clearing karmic soul blocks

Connecting with your soul family

Developing an emotional support system with your lunar family

Winter Solstice Earth Healing

and more…..

Tuition is $480 for 10 weeks (no class on Thanksgiving). Class is available in-person or over Zoom and includes a 60 minute phone reading with Tahara. Classes are recorded if you have to miss a week. To register or for more information contact: Tahara Ezrahti, Clairvoyant and Intuitive Development Teacher www.appliedintuition.org,  email: appliedintuition@cox.net,  (805) 364-0195.

Clairvoyant Training Certification Starts Tuesdays 6-8:15 PM  January 5, 2021 to Oct. 2021

(You must have completed the nine week Introduction to Clairvoyant Healing class).

The Applied Intuition Clairvoyant Training is a 10 month course for those who want to develop their intuitive skills in depth. Students completing the course will be certified by Applied Intuition to conduct clairvoyant readings. Students take this course for their own personal development, to integrate clairvoyant healing into their current profession, or to become a professional clairvoyant.  Regardless of how you end up integrating these tools, be ready for an enjoyable, challenging, and mind blowing ride! Learn more.

Looking for Direction in Your Life? A Clairvoyant Reading Can Provide Answers

A Clairvoyant Reading will answer your questions, help you choose directions, provide healing and connect you with your own energy and wisdom. Readings are available for individuals, teens, couples and pets. Clairvoyant Life Readings  give you an overview of  your energy (grounding, aura, and chakras) along with focusing on your specific topics and questions.  Clairvoyant Business Consultations  help you navigate your career life. Animal Communication Sessions help you understand the needs of your pet and focus on solutions that work for your entire family.

Phone Readings are available for 30 minutes ($80), 60 minutes ($125) or 90 minutes ($150).  Email: appliedintuition@cox.net or call/text Tahara at (805) 364-0195 to schedule an appointment.

In Peace,

Tahara Ezrahti, Applied Intuition Clairvoyant and Intuitive Development Teacher & doTERRA Wellness Advocate

Ph: (805) 364-0195  Email: appliedintuition@cox.net

For more information on clairvoyant classes and readings visit: www.appliedintuition.org  Essential Oils visit: https://www.doterra.com/US/en/site/appliedintuition

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“Healing Ourselves and Healing the Earth”