Fall Equinox 2014
Surfing the Lava Wave
Feeling Anxious Lately?
Many people have mentioned how they have been experiencing an unusual level of anxiety the last several months. I’m not talking about people who are always anxious or worried. I’m referring to people who are normally grounded and in touch with the Earth. The worst part of this anxiety is that the usual cure, anchoring to the Earth, doesn’t help and can even make you feel more anxious.
What is going on?
In my 26 years conducting clairvoyant readings and classes I have observed over and over that when the Earth shifts we are affected. When the Earth shifts we literally have to shift with her to stay grounded and be in present time.
When I tune into the Earth and ask, “What is going on?’ I’m shown lava swirling deep within the Earth. The lava has an unsettled quality. It moves in different directions, lacking an orderly flow and searching for internal organization. It crashes and bumps against itself, creating massive potential energy with no clear mission. The feeling is one of chaos, excitement, intensity, hope, and confusion. Can you relate, my normally calm and grounded friends?
Get use to it. I don’t see chaos departing anytime soon. We must adapt our expectations and get comfortable with feeling unsettled. We need to harmonize with the instability the Earth is exhibiting. Accept that you are on a wild ride. Expect to be bumped and jostled. Don’t worry that something is wrong when you send a grounding cord deep into the Earth and still feel anxious and confused.
There are things you can do to align with the Earth.
Move your body! Shake out the extra energy held in your physicality. Run, swim, dance, practice yoga. Send Kundalini Energy through your entire body and down your grounding connection into the center of the Earth. Listen to the Applied Intuition Grounding Meditation and Kundalini Meditations if you need guidance. Schedule a clairvoyant reading if you need more guidance or feel blocked.
Kundalini energy is similar to the volcanic flows happening deep inside the Earth. Allow this volcanic quality to burn away anything you no longer need, such as outdated beliefs or someone else’s beliefs. Come into present time with who you are now and who you are becoming. Let the dead wood burn away to make room for new energy. Run lava through your energy system, then run the color green to bring in new energy and growth. Do this multiple times a day.
This summer there have been massive eruptions of volcanoes in Iceland, Hawaii , Italy, and Papua New Guinea. Synchronize your energy with the Hawaiian Goddess, Pele, and her lava energy. Lava both creates and destroys. The destructive mode clears the way for life force in the creative mode to build. Watch videos of volcanoes erupting and match your energy to their fiery intensity.
Flower essences can also help. Jill Frandsen, Owner of Flora Deva Flower Essences, and an Applied Intuition Clairvoyant Training Graduate has created a special flower essence blend called “Riding the Lava Wave”, made with willow, rock rose, yarrow, and sage flower essences and energized with a special ruby record keeper stone, to increase its potency. This flower essence is available at https://www.etsy.com/shop/FloraDeva Jill is available for consultations at (805) 455-2804.
The fall equinox is September 22 at 7:29 PDT. Equinoxes are usually times of balance. This equinox, try embracing chaos as a way to find balance. It will help you surf the waves of change.

Going Through a Transition?
Tahara explains why so many people benefit from having a clairvoyant reading while going through a transition. Transitions can be related to relationships, work, health, family, business, housing etc. In honor of the Fall Equinox you can book a phone reading between now and October 11, 2014 and receive a $35 discount (full priced phone reading are $170). Contact Tahara at info-appliedintuition@cox.net or (805) 961-3947 to schedule a reading.
Congratulations to this Summer’s Introduction to Clairvoyant Healing Graduates

2014-2015 Clairvoyant Training
The 2014-2015 Clairvoyant Training Certification Program starts this Monday September 22, 2014. If you have completed the Introduction to Clairvoyant Healing class you are eligible to participate in this 10 month training. Contact info-appliedintuition@cox.net or (805) 961-3947.
Organic / Biodynamic Home Gardening Workshops
Oscar Carmona, owner of Healing Grounds Nursery will be teaching three home gardening workshops this fall. All workshops are at the Trinity Lutheran Church in Santa Barbara and are from 3-4 PM. Cost is $10 at the door (10% of the proceeds go to the Trinity Community Garden). Biodynamic compost, vegetable and herb seedlings, worms, and worm bin kits will be available for purchase after each workshop.
October 11 Fall and Winter Gardening Strategies
October 18 Water Saving Kitchen Gardens
November 8 Worm Composting
Visit Healing Grounds Nursery for more information.