Happy Fall Equinox 
Check Out the New Classes for Fall!!!
- Clairvoyant Certification Training, September 20, 2016
- Applied Intuition Fall Graduate Classes September 21, 2016
- Essential Oil Allies: “My Blend” Sat. Sept. 24, 10:30-12:30, Sun. Sept. 25, 1-3 PM, Sun. Oct. 9, 1-3 PM or Sat. Oct. 15 10:30-12:30 PM
- Natural Solutions to Relieving Stress & Anxiety Sunday Oct. 2, 2016
- Boost Your Immune System Naturally Sunday Oct. 16, 2016
- New!!! Introduction to Clairvoyant Healing Course In-Person and On-Line, October 22, 2016
- New!!! Self Paced Home Study: Introduction to Clairvoyant Self Healing
Clairvoyant Certification Training
September 20, 2016
The Applied Intuition Clairvoyant Certification Training starts September 20, 2016 from 6:30-8:45 PM in Santa Barbara. This is a 10 month course that meets Tuesdays evenings through June of 2017. If you have taken the Introduction to Clairvoyant Healing Course and want more, this is the next step towards developing and integrating your clairvoyant skills into your personal and professional life. Certified readers, who choose to offer professional readings, can list their contact information on the Applied Intuition website.
This fall’s training features up-dates to existing classes and some new classes such as Assessing Your Intuitive Skills, Muscle Testing and Dowsing, the Energy of Truth and Neutrality, Using Flower Essences to Heal and Protect and Communicating with Your Inner Child along with an up-dated and expanded study guide. Included is an hour phone reading with Tahara Ezrahti, recordings of each class and a special student rate on additional readings with Tahara.
Tuition is $525 for each nine week block or $2,000 for the entire course (half price for students repeating the training). Contact Tahara at (805) 961-3947 or appliedintuition@cox.net to register or get more information.
Applied Intuition Fall Graduate Classes September 21, 2016
Graduate classes will be held every other Wednesday from 6:30-7:45 PM, starting September 21 through December 14, 2016. These classes are for those who have graduated from Applied Intuition’s Clairvoyant Training Certification and want to continue their studies and personal healing.
Graduate classes cover a variety of topics that could be termed “Energetic Current Events”. Each series is different and will help you stay in alignment with and on the cutting edge of the evolutionary growth we and the planet are experiencing.
Classes are conducted on-line using Zoom Video Conferencing (you can also call in) and consist of a meditation, sharing, discussion and partner practice. Zoom makes this easy because it allows us to break out into virtual rooms for healings and readings.
Tuition is $175 for the seven class series. You can take the graduate series by itself or concurrently while repeating the Clairvoyant Training. Class dates are: Wednesdays, Sept. 21, Oct. 5, 19, Nov. 2, 16, 30 and Dec. 14. Contact Tahara Ezrahti at appliedintuition@cox.net to register or for more information.
New!!! Introduction to Clairvoyant Healing Course In-Person & On-Line, October 22, 2016
Introduction to Clairvoyant Healing Course Starts October 22 to December 8
The Introduction to Clairvoyant Healing Course will be taught using a combination of 14 instructional videos, Thursday evening Zoom Video Conferencing classes and Saturday morning in-person classes. This combination will allow people the convenience of viewing the videos at home and doing the meditations before the weekly web class.
During the Thursday on-line classes will review the meditations, answer questions, share experiences and conduct partner practice exercises. Saturday morning classes will provide extensive coaching and longer partner practice.
In addition the course includes: A study guide, 11 Home Practice Recordings, email recordings of each class, and a 60 minute phone reading with a graduate student. Tuition is $350. Class dates are Thursdays from 6:15-7:30 PM, Oct. 27, Nov. 3, 10, 17, Dec. 1, 8 and Saturdays 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM Oct. 22, Nov. 5, 12, Dec. 3. Contact Tahara Ezrahti to register and for more information at (805) 961-3947 or appliedintuition@cox.net
New!!! Home Study: Introduction to Clairvoyant Self Healing
This a self paced independent home study course that consists of 14 instructional videos, 11 home practice recordings, a study guide, and a phone reading with a graduate student. This class is designed for people who like to learn in the comfort of their own home, at their own pace and/or for people who live out of the area. This course focuses on self healing and energy management and isn’t designed to provide extensive training on conducting readings or healings with others. Tuition is $140. Contact Tahara Ezrahti to register and for more information at (805) 961-3947 or appliedintuition@cox.net
Fall Healing Ourselves & Healing the Earth Workshops
Some of you know that along with conducting clairvoyant readings and teaching intuitive development classes for the last 28 years I have worked as an environmental educator with kids and adults for over 30 years. In September of 2014 I left my job, of 17 years, as the Education Director at Explore Ecology (formerly the Community Environmental Council and Art From Scrap) to devote myself full time to Applied Intuition.
I used this time to increase the number of classes offered, create 23 instructional videos and develop on-line and home study options along with taking a business training through Women’s Economic Ventures (WEV). Ten years ago I offered an Earth Wisdom Series with a couple of friends. We each taught aspects of Earth based healing practices such as herbal medicine, flower essences, meditation, grounding, muscle testing and dowsing etc.
This fall I’m excited to again partner with others to create the Healing Ourselves and Healing the Earth Workshop series. These workshops are open to the public and available to currently enrolled Applied Intuition students at a free or reduced rate. Additional workshops for November and December are in the works but here is a list of the workshops for September and October.
Essential Oil Allies: “My Blend”
Sat. Sept. 24, 10:30-12:30, Sun. Sept. 25, 1-3 PM, Sun. Oct. 9, 1-3 PM or Sat. Oct. 15 10:30-12:30 PM
Learn how to use doTerra Essential Oils to assist your body, mind, emotions and spirit. doTerra Essential Oils are some of the most pure and potent essential oils available. Aromatic, topical and internal uses include: Overall wellness, immune support, cooking, cleaning, mood management, skin care, detoxification, weight management, flavoring water, oral care etc.
Along with learning how to use these special oils we will learn muscle testing to help you choose essential oils for yourself and others. Supplies will be available to make personal essential oil blends mixed with a carrier oil in a roll on applicator. Blends are $10 each and you can make as many or as few as you like. Information on the best way to obtain doTerra oils will also be covered or you can go to https://www.mydoterra.com/appliedintuition if you are familiar with these oils and want to purchase them before the class (opening a wholesale membership with an enrollment kit is the most affordable option). The Essential Oils Allies Class is free for current or former Applied Intuition Students and $5 for the General Public. RSVP Required appliedintuition@cox.net Or (805) 961-3947.
Natural Solutions to Relieving Stress & Anxiety Sunday October 2, 2016
Boost Your Immune System Naturally Sunday October 16, 2016
Take these workshops individually or together. Both Workshops are from 2:30-6 PM at Brazil Arts Cafe, 1230 State Street, Santa Barbara
Ease stress and anxiety naturally and boost your immune system with safe, non-pharmaceutical solutions including: Essential oils, flower essences, herbal tinctures, energy healing and crystals/stones. This workshop is for anyone looking to maintain balance and health during busy or stressful times.
We will meet in the classroom space in towards the back of the Brazil Arts Cafe. Cost $7.50 per workshop for current or former Applied Intuition Students, $10 General Public. Products will be available for purchase. All are encouraged to join us for dinner at Brazil Arts Cafe after these fun workshops.
Presenters include: Tahara Ezrahti, Clairvoyant and Intuitive Development Teacher and Owner of Applied Intuition & doTerra Wellness Advocate, Jill Frandsen MA Counseling, Flower essence Practitioner, Owner Flora Deva Designs, Nelly Gonzalez, Owner of Nel Moon Crystals, Jewelry, Healing & Designs, DeAnn Wilson, doTerra Wellness Advocate, Owner of Your Essential Nature
Have a great fall! Peace,
Tahara Ezrahti, Clairvoyant and Intuitive Development Teacher
To learn more about doTerra Essential Oils visit https://www.mydoterra.com/appliedintuition
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